Saturday, February 12, 2011

Acrylamide - Causes Cancer, Nerve Damage, Kidney Damage, Muscle Control, Alzheimers

Toasting bread increases acrylamides significantly - doubling, even over 5 times in this white bread:
Pepperidge Farm Original White Bread
(not toasted) 36
Pepperidge Farm Original White Bread (toasted) 216

Acrylamide is a well-established carcinogen and neurotoxin
the typical American diet contains rather large amounts of acrylamide
even more prevalent in diets that contain a lot of fried foods.

diets low in fried starchy foods contain very low levels of acrylamide.

fried, deep fried or oven-baked during production or preparation are not considered to contain any appreciable levels of acrylamide.
No levels could be detected in any of the raw foodstuffs or foods cooked by boiling, including potatoes, rice, pasta, and flour.

the best thing, of course, is to eat NO fried foods at all.
avoid burning food during frying, deep-frying, broiling and grilling, and to especially not eat burned food, period! 3 

N-acetyl-cysteine and lipoic acid have been shown to be protective against acrylamides toxicity

rats and mice that were given acrylamide over a period of seven days developed tumors

acrylamide's neurotoxicity was due to a dramatic reduction in glucose metabolism in nerve cells

eat lots of fruits and veggies, and protect yourself with a good antioxidant.

limit the amount of fried foods in your diet, as they contain both acrylamide and other damaging chemicals formed by the heating and oxidation of oil

present in certain foods cooked at high temperatures

crylamide can cause nerve damage in humans, such as loss of feeling, loss muscle control and tingling.

acrylamide levels
starch-based foods, such as potato chips, french fries, cookies, cereals and bread
Tortilla chips, breakfast cereals, breads, cookies, crackers, and other bakery products contain
significant amounts of acrylamide.

They do not form when food is cooked in water,

higher the cooking temperature, the more acrylamide is formed.

AGEs may also cause cancers, aging of tissues, and arteriosclerosis by raising cholesterol and causing clotting and are associated with loss of kidney function, Alzheimer's disease, thinning and wrinkling of skin and cataracts.

Cooking with water prevents sugars from binding to proteins to form these poisonous chemicals.


Gabe Mirkin, M.D.

Research in four countries is suggesting that French fries and potato chips may be a leading cause of cancer in the Western world. Scientists at the meeting of the World Health Organization and the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization are very concerned about the very high levels of acrylamide in the food supply. Acrylamide is a chemical used in the manufacture of plastics. It was first discovered to be present in certain foods cooked at high temperatures as the result of work announced in Sweden in April 2002.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have concluded that acrylamide causes cancer in laboratory animals, but there are no studies of the relationship between acrylamide and cancer in humans. However, solid research shows that acrylamide can cause nerve damage in humans, such as loss of feeling, loss muscle control and tingling.

The Swedish research and subsequent studies in Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States, have found that acrylamide levels in certain starch-based foods, such as potato chips, french fries, cookies, cereals and bread, were well above the level given in the World Health Organization's Guideline Values for Drinking Water Quality. Potato chips contain 500 times the maximum allowable amounts of acrylamide, and French fries sold in fast food chains contain more than 100 times the maximal allowable amounts. Tortilla chips, breakfast cereals, breads, cookies, crackers, and other bakery products contain smaller but significant amounts of acrylamide.

Acrylamide belongs to a class of chemicals that form advanced glycation end products, also known by their first letters as AGEs. They are a group of molecules that are formed when sugar attaches on protein when starchy foods such as potatoes and grains are cooked in the absence of water at very high temperatures. They do not form when food is cooked in water, and the higher the cooking temperature, the more acrylamide is formed.

Diabetics form advanced glycation products in their bodies because high blood sugar levels cause sugar to stick on the protein in cell membranes to form AGES, and it is these AGEs that cause the horrible side effects of diabetes, such as blindness, deafness, heart attacks, strokes and kidney damage. AGEs can damage every tissue in the body. HBA1C, the blood test doctors use to measure control of diabetes, actually measures this sugar bound to the protein on a person's cells. AGEs may also cause cancers, aging of tissues, and arteriosclerosis by raising cholesterol and causing clotting and are associated with loss of kidney function, Alzheimer's disease, thinning and wrinkling of skin and cataracts.

Exciting research from the University of Reading in England may eventually allow us to eat French fires and potato chips without being harmed by acrylamides (4). Deep frying at high temperature causes sugar in potatoes to stick to protein to form acrylamides. Donald Mottram showed that asparagine, only one of the 21 amino acids that form protein in humans, sticks to sugar. If this is true, it may be relatively simple to finding and use strains of potato with a low asparagine content, or genetically engineer potatoes or wheat that lacks asparagine. Then foods could be made from them that did not have asparagine available to form acrylamide.

Cooking with water prevents sugars from binding to proteins to form these poisonous chemicals. Since steamed and boiled vegetables, whole grains, beans and fruits are cooked with water, they do not contain significant amounts of advanced glycation products. This is another reason that you should eat your fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans -- raw or cooked with water. We no longer recommend eating potato chips or French fries as a source of salt when you exercise, and we will avoid eating them ourselves.


Acrylamide: The Food Toxin That Could Cause Cancer

Acrylamide is a well-established carcinogen and neurotoxin (causes nerve damage). According to Lois Gold, director of the Carcinogenic Potency Project at the University of California, Berkeley, "You get more acrylamide from smoking than you do from food." But based on a newly released Swedish report that indicates acrylamide is a by-product of fried foods, there is definite room for concern-not panic.

The study was based on the original findings that adduct levels (products of acrylamide that react with blood hemoglobin) were found in people who hadn't been exposed to it. Because the amount is considered a cancer risk, it was deemed important to identify acrylamide's origin. A scientific group at the University of Stockholm, headed by Professor Margareta Törnqvist, found that acrylamide is formed during the heating of starch-rich foods to high temperatures. 1 

The same thing was shown in a previous Swedish study, done two years ago, in which rats were fed fried animal feed for one or two months. 2 

What's your risk? The bad news is, the typical American diet contains rather large amounts of acrylamide, and it's even more prevalent in diets that contain a lot of fried foods.

The good news is that diets low in fried starchy foods contain very low levels of acrylamide. Also, the amount of acrylamide needed to cause cancer in humans is still unknown.

What foods contain acrylamide? Acrylamide is probably formed in many types of food, many of which have not yet been analyzed. But among the foods that have been analyzed, potato chips and French fries generally contained the highest levels. The average content in potato chips is approximately 1000 micrograms/kg and in French fries approximately 500 micrograms/kg. Other food groups which may contain low as well as high levels of acrylamide are fried bread products-such as doughnuts-breakfast cereals, fried potato products, biscuits, cookies and snacks, such as tortilla chips and popcorn. 3 

Foods that are not fried, deep fried or oven-baked during production or preparation are not considered to contain any appreciable levels of acrylamide.
No levels could be detected in any of the raw foodstuffs or foods cooked by boiling, including potatoes, rice, pasta, and flour.

How much acrylamide do you ingest on a daily basis? The Swedish National Food Administration's 1997-98 survey3 of 1200 individuals, aged 17 to 70, found that an average intake of approximately 25 micrograms per day (maximum intake is approximately six times higher) of acrylamide is obtained, based on the food groups shown below. The remaining food groups are estimated to account for approximately 10-15 micrograms of acrylamide; in total an average intake of 35-40 micrograms. The percentage contribution based on an intake of 40 micrograms acrylamide per day results in:

  • potato products: 36 % (French fries 16 %, fried potatoes 10 %, potato chips 10 %)
  • bread: 16 %
  • biscuits, cookies and wafers: 5 %
  • breakfast cereals: 3 %
  • remaining foodstuffs groups, basically not investigated yet: 40 %

What does that mean?

It's still too soon to know exactly how much acrylamide is considered dangerous to humans.

What can you do to counteract the bad effects of acrylamide? If you have a lot of will power, the best thing, of course, is to eat NO fried foods at all. The Swedish National Food Administration advises people to stop smoking, and to avoid burning food during frying, deep-frying, broiling and grilling, and to especially not eat burned food, period! 3 

Have your cake and eat it, too. If you must have your fries and chips, and want to counteract the bad effects of acrylamide, there are a couple of nutritional supplements that are believed to offer protection against acrylamide's toxicity.

N-acetyl-cysteine and lipoic acid have been shown to be protective against acrylamides toxicity and offer a dietary means of counteracting acrylamide's bad effects.

One study showed that rats and mice that were given acrylamide over a period of seven days developed tumors. When they were also treated with N-acetyl- L-cysteine, the incidence of tumors was inhibited. 4 

Another study showed that acrylamide's neurotoxicity was due to a dramatic reduction in glucose metabolism in nerve cells, and that lipoic acid could help prevent this negative effect and help restore normal metabolism and prevent damage. 5

Is acrylamide risk new?

Probably not, according to the Swedish National Food Administration. "We have probably been exposed to acrylamide in food for generations." Other sources than foodstuffs (estimated average intake of 35-40 microgram/day), e.g. cosmetics, drinking water, and a possible endogenous formation in the body of acrylamide, could, to a lower extent, contribute to a background level. "The new, emerging knowledge may make it possible to reduce the risks that we have so far accepted. This is a very positive development." 6 

In the meantime, eat lots of fruits and veggies, and protect yourself with a good antioxidant. And it wouldn't hurt if you limit the amount of fried foods in your diet, as they contain both acrylamide and other damaging chemicals formed by the heating and oxidation of oil 


  1. Tareke E, Rydberg P, Karlsson P, Eriksson S, Tornqvist M. Analysis of acrylamide, a carcinogen formed in heated foodstuffs.J Agric Food Chem, 2002 Aug 14;50(17):4998-5006. 

  2. Tareke E, Rydberg P, Karlsson P, Eriksson S, Tornqvist M. Acrylamide: a cooking carcinogen? Chem Res Toxicol 2000 Jun;13(6):517-22 


  4. Park J, Kamendulis LM, Friedman MA, Klaunig JE Acrylamide-induced cellular transformation. Toxicol Sci 2002 Feb;65(2):177-83 

  5. Anuradha B, Varalakshmi P. Activities of glucose-metabolizing enzymes in experimental neurotoxic models with lipoate as an alleviator. J Appl Toxicol 1999 Nov-Dec;19(6):405-9 



A good study on bread including acrylamides in backed bread and other baked and fried products:

Modern white bread is bad for your longevity, health and happiness – It should be avoided, ESPECIALLY by adults and by everyone who is overweight or has high blood sugar.

headaches, vascular damage, strokes, heart attacks, degenerative nerve disease, dementia, memory loss, vision problems, depression, lethargy, poor job performance, personality changes, poor judgment, slow reaction time, deadly accidents, stomachaches, liver damage, breast cancer (and other forms of cancer), poor digestion and improper metabolism. The measurable nerve and liver damage associated with internal yeast fermentation is seldom as rapid as with ingested alcohol, but the long-term net brain, vascular and liver damage is essentially the same.

When you eat a diet that is high in refined carbohydrates (sugar, flour, fructose, corn syrup, etc.), your intestinal flora and fauna (like Candida Albicons yeast germs) can proliferate exponentially, along with various forms of harmful bacteria, molds and fungi. Increased numbers of yeast and harmful bacteria generate well-known cell-killing toxins,

Too much iron stored in our tissues can do severe damage to our cells, tissues and internal organs. For the many men over 40 and post-menopausal women with high iron storage, the iron supplements in almost all commercial flour and bread products can accelerating aging and do serious damage,

“Asparagine” is a naturally-occurring amino acid found in carbohydrate foods that, when heated with sugars such as glucose, forms the acrylamide carcinogen. Many natural uncooked foods contain enzymes – proteins made up of amino acids that act as a catalyst and aid in the metabolism of the food, so the body can use it effectively. The higher the temperature used to prepare a starchy food and the longer it is cooked, the more likely that the three dimensional chemical structure of its enzymes will denature (break down) and become inactive, ineffective, or worse yet, a toxic, cancer-causing mutagen like acrylamide.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration made determining how to lower acrylamide levels in food “one of its highest research priorities,” according to an aggressive plan that FDA officials presented to consumer advocacy groups and food manufacturers on September 30, 2002.

Canada's government previously discovered the acrylamide / asparagine chemical reaction and quickly ordered food manufacturers to look for ways to alter it and lower acrylamide levels in foods.

Wasa Original Crispbread Fiber Rye


Sara Lee Plain Mini Bagels (toasted)


Herr's Extra Thin Pretzels


Dare Breton Thin Wheat Crackers


Pepperidge Farm Original White Bread (toasted)


Streit's Lightly Salted Matzos


Gerber Finger Foods Biter Biscuits


Keebler Town House Crackers Reduced Fat


Indian flat bread (from local restaurant)


Nabisco Arrowroot Biscuit (baby food)


Stella D'Oro Anisette Toast Cookies


Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies


Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats


Utz Unsalted Sourdough Specials


General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch


Gerber Graduates for Toddlers
Animal Crackers


Pepperidge Farm Natural Whole Grain
Whole Wheat (toasted)


Sara Lee Plain Mini Bagels (not toasted)


Sara Lee Honey Wheat Bagels (toasted)


Pepperidge Farm Cheddar Goldfish


Maruchan Instant Lunch Ramen Noodles
with Vegetables Chicken Flavor


Super G Bread Crumbs Regular Style


Super G Unsalted Tops Crackers


Contadina Bread Crumbs Three Cheese


Pepperidge Farm Original White Bread
(not toasted)


Pepperidge Farm Dark Pump Pumpernickel (not toasted)


Lipton Asian Side Dishes Teriyaki Noodles


Boboli Italian Pizza Crust (not baked)


Sara Lee Honey Wheat Bagels (not toasted)


Red Oval Farms Mini Stoned Wheat Thins


Shoppers Food Warehouse Cake Doughnut


Boboli Italian Pizza Crust (baked)


Nabisco Zwieback Toast (baby food)


La Banderita Flour Tortillas (fried)


Shoppers Food Warehouse Plain Doughnut


Super G Macaroni & Cheese Dinner


Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner



Bottom Line Summary: If you want to live a long, happy, healthy life,




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