Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sprouted Buckwheat is Simple and Delicious

Sprouted Buckwheat is Simple and Delicious

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 by: Sheryl Walters, citizen journalist
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Key concepts: Buckwheat, Food and Water

(NaturalNews) Sprouting takes a nut or seed that is dormant and brings it to life. You can watch as a food that has been sitting in a bag on a shelf for months begins to grow a little sprout and transforms. One of the easiest foods to sprout is buckwheat. Buckwheat becomes packed with live enzymes and vital nutrients when sprouted.

Sprouted buckwheat is an amazing food because it tastes like a grain but is actually gluten and wheat free and not a grain at all. It is one of the most complete sources of protein on the planet, containing all eight essential amino acids. This makes it perfect for diabetics and those who want to cut down on their sugary carbohydrates and to balance their blood sugar levels. It is also known to lower high blood pressure. Sprouted buckwheat also cleanses the colon and alkalizes the body.

Buckwheat is a wonderful super food for people who have varicose veins or hardening of the arteries. One of the reasons is that it is full of rutin, which is a compound that is known as a powerful capillary wall strengthener. When veins become weak, blood and fluids accumulate and leak into nearby tissues, which may cause varicose veins or hemorrhoids.

This healing food is also rich in lecithin, making it a wonderful cholesterol balancer because lecithin soaks up "bad" cholesterol and prevents it from being absorbed. Lecithin neutralizes toxins and purifies the lymphatic system, taking some of the load off of the liver.

Sprouted buckwheat is also a brain boosting super food. 28% of the brain is actually made up of lecithin. Research suggests that regularly consuming foods rich in lecithin may actually prevent anxiety, depression, brain fog, mental fatigue and generally make the brain sharper and clearer.

Buckwheat is high in iron so it is a good blood builder. It also prevents osteoporosis because of its high boron and calcium levels.

Sprouted buckwheat is high in bioflavonoids, flavonols and co-enzyme Q10. It contains all of the B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, and selenium, as well as many other health giving compounds.

How to Sprout Buckwheat

Place 2/3 Cup of buckwheat groats into a bowl and cover it with 2- 3 5times as much room temperature water. Mix the seeds up so that none are floating on the top. Allow the seeds to soak for about an hour. You need to give them plenty of time to soak, but also remember that buckwheat groats can take in too much water which will keep them from sprouting.

Drain the water in a colander and let them stand, rinsing 3 times per day with cool water for 2 days. You will notice a goopy substance on the buckwheat, which is starch. Make sure that you wash this off thoroughly.

At first you will notice a brown spot, and will then see a little sprout coming out.

Sprouted Buckwheat Chocolate Banana Sundae
1 Banana
1 cup Sprouted Buckwheat
1 Teaspoon Raw Chocolate Powder
1 Teaspoon Lucuma
1 Teaspoon Agave Nectar
Splash of Warm Water

Smash up the banana and add all of the other ingredients. You can add more buckwheat if you want it thicker. This makes an amazing breakfast cereal or desert.



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